Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Night terrors

Baby Jesus is having a nightmare tonight. He's howling in his sleep, which would be cute if I wasn't so dang tired.

I had the following conversation with a first grader today:

Boy: School, Schoooool, Shcool…Ms. Serena
ME: yeah?
Boy: Who made up the word school?
ME: I have no idea.
Boy Oh, I bet it was the first person.
ME: I don’t think the very VERY first person invented English.
Boy: Who made the first person? Family is never ending, but who started it?
ME: Well, I have no idea. What do you think?
Boy: I don’t know. Maybe he was just made…by some people or the President.
ME: The President? When do think this happened?
Boy: Like the 70’s.
ME; oh well…
Boy(interrupting me, thankfully):How did George Washington die?
ME: ummmm I think he got sick from a disease, but I’m not too sure.
Boy: No, that’s not how he died. It was because of a kite.
ME: A kite killed George Washington?
Boy: Yup, he was being silly and put a key on a kite and was playing with it in a storm. And that killed him.
ME: Oh gee, I think you confused a few stories…
Boy: Nope. That’s right. Can you help me with my math homework?
So I went on to help him with his math and the conversation ended.

Friday, October 10, 2008

All this bloods gonna wash away

I know its History and all but sometimes I just don't buy it.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Burndt Jamb

Can I have a Death in the Gulf Stream?